Witnessing Gaia. #22
One of my biggest priorities in life fell by the way-side this summer.
My first summer living right in downtown SLC kept me in this little hipster-journalist bubble.
And I hardly spent any time with Mother Nature.
Witnessing her, witnessing me.
I believe that the single most healing thing a human can do for themselves is spend one-on-one time with nature. Wherever you can. Deserts, forests, beaches, oceans, mountains, tundras. Anywhere that does not have buildings, businesses or lots of human activity.
Anywhere that human intervention has not prevented brilliant biology from blooming.
It is SO important to get out of this society, away from our screens, away from all those obscurations we put up with while living in a metropolitan society. We worry about our looks, what others think of us, our bank accounts, our careers and literally anything else we can come up with worrying about. At least, these are what my day-to-day obscurations look like.
In nature, we can be naked and she thinks we are beautiful. She isn't judging us, she thinks we are perfect. There isn't money. There is no career. It is all so simple. We are mammals of planet earth. That is all we really need to be. When I'm in nature suddenly my suffering becomes very basic and minimal. Am I hot or cold? Am I hungry? Am I comfortable? Easy.
Perhaps this is a surprise to you, but my academic discipline is actually in Environmental Studies. I chose it because I felt like the most important thing that I could blow my educational savings on was really truly deeply understanding the earth and how we interact with it. And I LOVED my education. I wish every one had an eco-centric education like I did. We really had to delve into the human being and theorize the concepts that divided us to feel separate from the planet instead of one with the planet. Because that divide has driven us into an age of fear and climate chaos. Professors told us few hundred students in the department, that it was our responsibility to inspire our generation to make some serious lifestyle changes and reverse climate change. I take that responsibility very seriously. I believe that climate chaos is deeply connected to human mental health. And until we get our mind+body+spirit in strong and healthy shape, we cannot help the earth much. Besides, she will keep spinning with or with out us.
We've had a summer of more wildfires, draughts and polluted water than last summer. We just experienced the worst hurricane in history, leaving Puerto Rico with out power for an entire year and mourning over 3,000 deaths. Currently, there is an even bigger hurricane headed towards the south-eastern states causing the biggest statewide mandatory evacuations in American peace-time history. Each year is becoming worse than the year before. This is what we call anthropogenic climate change. 98% of scientists have come to agree on this concept: humans have caused an accelerated warming of the earth through excessive capitalist industry. We are seeing it in these insane weather patterns, famines and wars. I could go more into the science of GHG's and how global climate works, but I really don't want to bore my readers. I'll assume that if you read my blog, you are not a climate denier. I don't need to convince you. YOU PROBABLY HAVE EYES.
It's kind of scary isn't it?
But, I'm not trying to scare you.
We don't need to be afraid.
But sometimes we are. Sometimes I am.
Let's observe that fear.
What can we do with that?
We need to reconnect with that higher humanness.
It can be hard to do that while living in the middle of a city.
But damn are we lucky to live in Salt Lake, 20 minutes away from pristine mountain wilderness! Two hours away from the red desert!
This is a part of my life that I have re-prioritized. Witnessing mother earth. Being with her. Praying with her. Asking her to pray for me. Asking her to witness me. Asking her to be with me.
Because here's the thing: All these fires, hurricanes, wars, famines, this is her way of cleansing. I say this with the most compassionate heart - mother earth is ridding herself of humans. Quickly. Earth isn't going to burst into flames and disappear. Jesus isn't coming. Trust me, I wish he were. That would be dope! My point is: life on earth is going to continue with or with out the human race.
We are just such a fucking genius species I'm a little frustrated that we haven't figured out how to be nice to her. We're like that abusive partner that knows how to be loving, but can't seem to do it.
So I'm asking you to start small. You probably already spend time in nature. Most people do. But when you are, can you feel her breathing? Can you feel your heart beat with hers?
Cleanse yourself in her waters. Forage off her trees. Bow before her mountains.
Treat her like the queen that she is. And listen to her message.
Notice how you feel after spending time with her. Everything seems a little easier doesn't it?
She can help clear the obscurations and make our purpose clearer.
I receive her messages all the time. They are custom made for me and the vibrancy I bring to this earth. I am not meant for politics. I am not meant to live in the wilderness like Thoreau pretended to. I am a bodhisattva. Those are the whispers I hear from her. Keep spreading your message of love. That is what the human race needs. You exist to relieve the suffering of all sentient beings. That is your purpose. Spread Compassion. Be a light.
I hear you mama Gaia. I am doing my best for you. I see you. Please bless me. Please guide me.
With eternal love,
Jane <3
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And if you really need a quick, fun getaway, go float the Weber River with some on you love... and a few beers. <3 |
Brilliant. Sooo good! Thank you for this Janey. A great reminder right now, as I sit in front of this little machine that seemingly controls my life...