Best folk album of the last five years easily. Introduced to me because I actually am allergic to water. I would keenly call this a "feel-good" album. But it's also got depth and sadness and then anthems of bliss. Ani is so fresh and sensual in finding her way around unique tuning and mellow vocal tones. This album will always be remembered as one of the many that got me through a life heart break. She takes you on this journey of wanting some one with out losing yourself in it. Letting go of the woes that life brings us while also facing the pain that another's ignorant words can bring, like a branding on the heart. "Allergic to Water" is my personal favorite song on the album. She tells a story I've never heard beside my own. "But still, I drink because I have to I bathe because I have to and boy it's a pain."She sings about the irony of needing water to stay alive although she is allergic to it. While I feel that this song is me...