No Room For Guilt in My Buddhism (#14)

Here's a journal entry from a Sunday night a few weeks ago: Today was the first Sunday in months that I decided to not get up early and go to the temple for Puja [Devotional Ceremony] . I really wanted to sleep in and stay home and practice by myself in my own space. I'm noticing this huge catholic guilt hanging over me for only going to the temple once this week. I really like to go 4 times. I'm not sure what to do with these feelings, so I'm writing them down. A few week's later, when Aj and I had our getaway in Mystic Hot Springs, I missed another puja. It happened to be on a day that a Tibetan Rinpoche came to town and gave an impromptu teaching for a practice that I've only received small pieces of. I was thrilled to hear stories and see videos and pictures of the experience from my sangha friends the next day. Just like I was thrilled to tell them and show them what I was up to with my love. Both experiences felt important and enlightening to a pe...