Here's What Happens When You Stop Eating (#11)
And it isn't glamorous. This is something I've been wanting to write about for a long time but, I've never had the guts. I still don't have the guts but I'm going to try. I think it's important to put my story out there and if I can prevent any one else in the world from getting as sick as I've been, I'll put my fears aside and share openly. My Past : I've had an eating disorder a majority of my life. It manifested itself in it’s strongest form during my sophomore year of college. A time in young people's lives when our mental illnesses come to strong fruition. That manifestation looked like Jane not eating for about three months. Yeah, I know that is hard to believe, but that's what happened and I'll share more on that later because there's a bigger point I'm trying to make. At the end of those three months my mom talked me into getting some help. In one day three doctors diagnosed me with Anorexia- restricti...