
Showing posts from March, 2018

Here's What Happens When You Stop Eating (#11)

And it isn't glamorous. This is something I've been wanting to write about for a long time but, I've never had the guts. I still don't have the guts but I'm going to try. I think it's important to put my story out there and if I can prevent any one else in the world from getting as sick as I've been, I'll put my fears aside and share openly. My Past : I've had an eating disorder a majority of my life. It manifested itself in it’s strongest form during my sophomore year of college. A time in young people's lives when our mental illnesses come to strong fruition. That manifestation looked like Jane not eating for about three months. Yeah, I know that is hard to believe, but that's what happened and I'll share more on that later because there's a bigger point I'm trying to make. At the end of those three months my mom talked me into getting some help. In one day three doctors diagnosed me with Anorexia- restricti...

5 Things (#9)

I've been exploring what kind of blogger I am. I'm not quite a lifestyle blogger and not quite literary. Not totally philosophical either. May I be a blend of the three? Lifestyle bloggers are among my favorite but, they dictate a way to live as if they know it is what is best. I know nothing. I don't event know what is best for me . That's where the philosophical/ literary side comes in. My readers are coming along this journey with me as I figure out what how  to live my best lifestyle and chronicle that experience through blogging. A common post on any lifestyle blog is a prompt called "5 Things." Pretty straight up. It's usually products, but I'll do my best to avoid any consumeristic values with my very own "5 Things: Deep Thoughts Edition." Here's what I've been diggin' on these days: 1. Lion's Roar Magazine.  I've been reading this monthly magazine since I first started formally studying Buddhism. ...

Why Businesses That Fly Pride Flags Year Round Make Me Really Freakin' Happy. (Blog #8)

21st Yoga, my new home studio always has their flag flying.  The rainbow flag has been a symbol of gay pride for quite some time. We can thank Gilbert Baker, a Kansas boy that grew into a proudly gay San Fransisco man, for the symbol. During the first week of June, most businesses in town hang their pride flags in preparation for the biggest party of the year – The Salt Lake City Pride Parade. These days, every one wants to get in on Pride weekend and I love that and it's also a whole other story. I want to focus on the businesses that fly pride flags year-round as a symbol of safety and solidarity in the community.  I used to joke with my girlfriend when we walked into places with flags like, "oh yay, we are welcome here. That's nice." But as I continued to recognize and acknowledge the businesses in town that fly pride flags year round, I realized that it actually fucking means a lot to me. I don't mean to speak for any one else in the community (ple...