The Solitary Diary 8.8.22
I’ve always romanticized my life It would turn out to be one of my greatest qualities And also one of my most painful. I have been romanticizing my breakup. And I realize today it’s causing me more pain. I had this vision that I would arrive in California and just BLOSSOM into this next level of Jane. I wake up and teach yoga everyday, I go on beach walks and swim in the ocean, I take myself out to eat and read books alone at coffeeshops. On the outside, I am 100% living the life I’ve always dreamed of living. And on the inside… I’m still heart broken. It’s been three months - an entire summer. And I still cry almost every morning. I’m so sick of thinking about it. I’m so tired of talking about it. I’m soooo done of crying. But I’m learning what it means to forge my way through devastation and heart break. I haven’t learned this lesson before. I have never felt such pain, such...