Manifesting Energy II: AVERSIONS

Aversion. 'Noun. A strong dislike or disinclination. Someone or something that arouses strong feelings of dislike.' Here are some of my daily aversions: I don't like waking up early. I don't like eating breakfast. I don't like going to meetings. I don't like strawberries. I don't like Tom Cruise. I don't like this The Pie Pizzeria. I do not like my eyebrows. Aversions. Got it? Things that we attach negative feelings to. Attachments that bring negativity into our personal space. Black holes that pop up through our day and tug at our happiness, pulling our attention into a negative place. Do you ever feel yourself grasping onto the concept of not liking something just because there's comfort in knowing that you don't like it? As if by labeling that thing as "I don't like," you are protecting yourself from harm? When really, you are creating a lower-realm of reality for yourself. A reality where you are su...