Radical Forgiveness and Why You Should Try It

In efforts to be more candid, I must admit that this weekly writing challenge is getting harder and harder to keep up with. I write so much for my job and I really try to honor the space I've made for myself to write creatively. But these days it seems that there is so much unfolding in my life that I can't even really record all of these experiences. I've filled three journals since 2018 started. 20 blog posts. That's a lot of soul-baring, sharing and sore wrists from writing. But I gotta keep truckin'. How can I choose just one experience a week to pull apart and digest in a philosophical and engaging style? How can I expect those word-smithing juices to just start flowing during my scheduled Friday afternoons that I block out for writing? Am I just making things harder on myself? Can't I just sit down and write what's on my mind in that moment and hit publish? I can see my own academic perfectionism coming in to set fire to my creative freedom. ...