
Showing posts from July, 2018

Radical Forgiveness and Why You Should Try It

In efforts to be more candid, I must admit that this weekly writing challenge is getting harder and harder to keep up with. I write so much for my job and I really try to honor the space I've made for myself to write creatively. But these days it seems that there is so much unfolding in my life that I can't even really record all of these experiences. I've filled three journals since 2018 started. 20 blog posts. That's a lot of soul-baring, sharing and sore wrists from writing. But I gotta keep truckin'.  How can I choose just one experience a week to pull apart and digest in a philosophical and engaging style? How can I expect those word-smithing juices to just start flowing during my scheduled Friday afternoons that I block out for writing? Am I just making things harder on myself? Can't I just sit down and write what's on my mind in that moment and hit publish? I can see my own academic perfectionism coming in to set fire to my creative freedom. ...

What I Learned This Year At Bonanza: A Love-Note to my Rocky Mountain Generation (#19)

Bonanza Campout.  Music Festival.  3rd Annual in Heber, Utah. 40 minutes out of my hometown.  Tucked underneath the Jordanelle Reservoir, a giant dam looms over the festival grounds.  Keeping us safe, while reminding us of our impermanence. One brick could fall and we would all wash away in seconds. :) This was my third time exploring this land at River's Edge. I've gotten quite familiar with it. Outside the grounds, it's fairly pristine marshland. Catch glimpses of herons and deer just across the highway. There's a cool, refreshing tributary running through the backside of the fest, where all the VIP cabins are perched. The high mountains and tall damn around us keep the space surprisingly shaded. Camping tents and chairs colorfully line up blocks, row after row outside the stages fences.  These are my people.  Millenials. In crotch-rocking high-waisted denim shorts.  20-something-year-olds rolling on Molly.  Cr...