A Look Inside the Mind of an Obsessive Perfectionist

It’s Saturday. I have the entire day off and totally open. I’m exhausted. I worked four double shifts and taught three classes this week. I also managed to find the time to have lunch with three different friends, get a massage and have the tiniest bit of alone time with my Woman. This week I uploaded the fourth episode of my new podcast, bought a ticket to Thailand and paid off my tuition for the YTT I’m taking next month. I should be celebrating right? Well, my perfectionism wants to take all the joy away from me today. I’m an Aries. A fire sign. We’re known for being extremely self-centered, loud, stubborn and fiery. I believe that if you know the downsides of your zodiac sign, you can live with a little more self-awareness of your flaws and not be such a dick all the time. When you are a fire sign, it means you want to constantly take action. We literally cannot help it. The second something bothers me, I have to fix it immedi...