Struggling With Unworthiness And How I Found It in Nepal

I write this story with the intention of totally being real and vulnerable… My first night back in the states after a month of traveling, I woke up at 3:30am, with a full download of the story below already in my head. While I’m no longer in a monastery meditating all day, I’m still in a serious state of clarity, reflection and intensified self-awareness. I got out of bed and sat down to type. And all this flowed out of me before sunrise: I spent my last seven days in Nepal really working on something that I feel like has been holding me down my entire life. During my adventures overseas, these feelings just kept coming in, so hard like crashing waves that could almost ruin a whole day. I realized that there’s something I struggle with deeply, on a daily basis and made the intention to devote the rest of my time facing it and relinquishing myself from it. It’s called unworthiness. It is a dangerous emotion that can block abundance, gratitude and awareness of our blessin...